For 38 percent of women, it is important that the manners are also correct in bed, surveys report. Only 29 percent of men think this is necessary.

Mrs. Darling says: After 20 years of marriage, one or the other gallantry unfortunately falls by the wayside: He simply gives compliments less often, hardly gives flowers spontaneously, doesn’t always hold the door open or only helps me into my coat when other ladies are around. It should actually be clear to him how important good manners are to me in our relationship – not only in the gray everyday life, but also in bed. When the fascination of the first passionate and uninhibited sex is over, you men should make sure that you do not play unnecessarily foul when making love with your partner in bed. After all, it is good manners to slip under the covers shaved or showered. And you’ll be surprised how much your partner still freaks out about compliments about skin, fragrance and body years later!

Mr. Schatz says: Gradually, Mrs. Liebling should know that I love her. I don’t really have to constantly reassure her with flowers, compliments, amorous text messages, door holding or other niceties. Sure, it’s nice after all these years as a couple when she says something nice to me or surprises me with a small gift after a business trip. But it’s not really important to me. So why should it suddenly matter in bed when we finally find time for ourselves again? Isn’t it much more important that we get closer to each other again, even if I haven’t done any extra finery for it? After all, we know what we have in us. Women should be more tolerant when we men are no longer quite as attentive as they were in the zero hour. More important in long-term relationships than all the perfect courtship is that the desire for each other is not completely absent.

Photo: Unsplash/Mayur Gala

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