A study by Elitepartner shows which behaviors rob us of our last nerve in life as a couple.

Mrs. Darling says: First this turbulent Christmas season, then a roaring New Year’s Eve party and all the carnival hustle and bustle. And now? Finally time for each other and for the relationship again, very quiet and cozy. The only problem is that those who spend more evenings together are more likely to be bothered by each other’s unloved habits. And some of them can really get on your nerves. After all, two-thirds of those surveyed complain about a lack of physical closeness, for example. After all, the frontrunner in the hit list of relationship killers. However, the persecutors are particularly alarming: a striking number of them are bothered “when my partner wants to know about my every step” or even “secretly answers my mobile phone or e-mails”. Despite all the jealousy, both have no place in a relationship. Because it destroys trust. My advice, dear women: Never forget to live your own life!

Mr. Schatz says: But that seems to be easier said than done, Mrs Darling! When I take a closer look at the figures of the study, I realize that the need for control of you women in a relationship is significantly greater than ours. This is also evident in another question: 61 percent of women are annoyed when their partner does more with others than with them. In our country, however, the figure is only a modest 48 percent. What does that mean? We have already understood much better what it means to live our own life in our relationship. Freedom is important to us and the constant demand for “where” and “with whom” is downright relational poison for us. However, this does not mean that retreat and going it alone is a solution. Once again, it’s all about the right measure, men: And that includes loving touches and evenings together, which you don’t always spend on the couch in the living room.

Photo: Unsplash/Rawpixel

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