87 percent of Germans believe in a partner for life. Couples even more than singles.

Mrs. Darling says: Love for a lifetime: romantic ideal or real desire? Despite all the prophecies of doom, a recent study by the partner institute ElitePartner has found that 87 percent of those surveyed believe in staying together for life if possible. Couples are even more likely (92 percent) than singles (73 percent), and women (88 percent) and men (86 percent) both want it equally. Dear women, it’s nice to commit yourself for life – and to believe in it. Nevertheless, it is part of the process to take stock of the relationship from time to time and to ask yourself and your partner questions. A good relationship does not jeopardize this, but helps both to develop together.

Mr. Schatz says: No more non-committal and love. Because if a man and a woman have decided on a relationship, then they believe in it. Among those newly in love, 83 percent are convinced of a happy future. For couples who have been together for ten years or more, the figure is as high as 88 percent. Neither marriage certificates nor children increase or decrease this conviction. Men: Especially between the third and sixth year of the relationship, thoughts of separation will come to you. Because then it’s about moving in together, getting married and having children: in other words, about commitment. If the desire of lifelong love is to become reality, then be whole guys and decide for the partnership.

Photo: Unsplash/John Mark Kuznietsov

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