Not noticed: 52 percent of men are most likely to be hurt by this in a relationship. Usually after an argument. That’s what ElitePartner found out in a study about love.

Mrs. Darling says: First the words fly in the relationship, then the shreds – and finally there is an icy silence. After a fierce argument in a partnership, both are offended and offended. The interesting thing about it is that men suffer 52 percent more when their partner ignores them after an argument. For women, the figure is “only” 48 percent. Even if we women discuss intimate matters or conflicts from our relationship with others (i.e. our girlfriends), 28 percent of men don’t like it at all, but only 22 percent of women are very bothered by it. Dear Women: We know our weapons, and that is the skillful “leaving in the dark”. Because nothing unsettles the partner more than not knowing exactly. In the long run, however, it is very destructive. That is why we should also lay down our weapons at the right time. In this case, that means not giving him the cold shoulder, but keeping in touch – even if we feel we are in the right.

Mr. Schatz says: Of course, an argument can get heated in a relationship – and get loud. And when we men get the tone wrong, we do it right. It’s no wonder that 40 percent of our female partners are very hurt by loud words, while 38 percent of men don’t like being snapped at in an argument. And then there is the great silence. Yes, it is a maximum penalty for a man to be ignored. It is true that we men can be wonderfully silent, during football, at a barbecue or at the beer counter, because we are still somehow in contact. But we cannot tolerate uncertainty as to when we will graciously pay attention again. Therefore, men: even if we feel unfairly treated in a quarrel, it is man enough to play the icebreaker and say the first word.

Photo: Unsplash/Tom Pumford

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