According to a YouGov study, 53 percent of Germans do not consider monogamy to be natural. Only a quarter of adults consider this form of love to be natural.

Mrs. Darling says: A good partnership in Germany is based on love, mutual recognition, trust – and loyalty. That’s why the so-called “serial monogamy” has become established in our country. This means that during the time we are in a committed relationship, we only want to have sex with our partner – and also expect fidelity from him. Once the relationship is over, there may well be phases in which we let monogamy whizz by until we have found a new life partner. Attention, women, from partners who stress that monogamy is “unnatural.” Maybe they’re looking for an excuse to cheat. Because basically, we don’t care if monogamy is natural or not. In the relationship, we expect them to be the basis of our “relationship contract”.

Mr. Schatz says: Whether we find monogamy natural or not is one thing. Whether we manage to live monogamous in the relationship, the others. Because often we men already have the inclination and the urge to scatter our semen widely. These escapades usually do not have a good effect on the partnership: secret infidelities put a strain on a partnership and open relationships rarely succeed. Therefore Dear men, it doesn’t matter whether we see monogamy as natural at the bottom of our hearts or not. Our inner attitude towards this is crucial. After all, we don’t suddenly eat “paleo”, i.e. like in the Stone Age, just because it might be more “natural”. It depends on what both partners expect in the good relationship.

Photo: Unsplash/Toa Heftiba

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