Better late than too late: 10 erotic New Year’s wishes for all couples – by couples and sex therapist Bernhard Moritz:

I wish:

  • that when it comes to erotic ideas and sexual practices, mothers don’t constantly ask themselves whether they are allowed to do that at all as a mother.
  • that out of sheer parental joy, the erotic readiness to play is not postponed to “later”; if you don’t do it anymore, you have to work harder to get it going again.
  • that sex is neither a duty nor a right, but an invitation and a gift.
  • that eroticism and sex only become tingling when it is unjust, undemocratic and unfair.
  • that (parent) couples don’t just whisper “I love you” to each other in between, but more often a “I desire you”. (It’s not the same!)
  • that “doing it to the other” is not an act of grace, but an erotic gift.
  • that the erotic comfort zone is always made into the erotic development zone and that erotic new things can enter the relationship.
  • that sex is not desired out of an expectation, but is understood as an invitation into one’s own erotic world.
  • that parents are happy when the visitors’ gap is unoccupied and don’t use their children as an excuse because they don’t want sex.
  • that the bedroom remains free from everyday life and is truly preserved or restored as a sleep-with-me room.
  • that sex is not seen as goal-focused and execution-driven, but as sensual time together.
  • that partners consciously allow themselves time for pleasure and fun with themselves and do not consider self-love as second-hand sex.
  • that partners consciously give themselves exclusivities (time and content).
  • that parents have the strength to organize the time together and to use it, and
  • that (parent) couples, despite all their efforts and other priorities, do not forget that they are husband and wife for life, parents only temporarily, and that the partner is the only person that one chooses voluntarily and self-determined (in contrast to children, parents, siblings and relatives).

Photo: Mr. Blank/

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